Feature Reviews


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Feature Reviews (4167) Results

AAngela Minton
United States
Very nice doll
The doll is great and sexy in body shape. It was heavier than I thought. But she is perfect!

5 months ago000
MMarco Ferreira
United States
So Impressed!
Using this product is like stepping into a world of luxury and indulgence, where every interaction is a reminder of lif[...]e's simple pleasures. Its exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail elevate even the most mundane tasks into moments of pure joy and satisfaction.
5 months ago000
RRyan Catchings
United States
Pretty nifty
The multiple choices for toys is nice, would definitely put a counterweight on the base to prevent rocking otherwise thi[...]s lil guy is a great first machine for the money
5 months ago000
United States
I knew that my choice was correct
In fact, I have compared many shopping malls, the price of this one is the most reasonable. When I received the goods, I[...] knew that my choice was correct.

5 months ago000
United States
Personally, I Like It.. I Have Had It About 4 Months Now I Use It Every Once In A While, It’s Nice To Take A Step Away From The Fleshlight’s
Personally, I like it.. I have had it about 4 months now I use it every once in a while, it’s nice to take a step away f[...]rom the Fleshlight’s..
this one here is great it feels like the real thing it stays tight over time and does not get loose which is what I like about it that and the size, not to big and not too small definitely would recommend it
5 months ago000
IIan Riley
United States
Better than expected
To be honest I didn’t expect this item to be as good as it is. But this has well exceeded my expectations. And the quali[...]ty and material is flawless I really like this item a lot. Will get more than enough usage out of it as well.
5 months ago000
MMatthew Hobbs
United States
A dream come true
She is beautiful. Got delivered on time. A little heavy but gives her a more life like feel. I been dreaming of getting [...]one of these dolls for a long time. Thank you
5 months ago000
United States
Awesome seller thank u very awesome doll love the feel of it can't wait to enjoy

5 months ago000
FFrancis Wilbur
United States
Worth it
Pretty dang good! Suction cup popped up a few times , but other than that, kept me coming back for more ! Love all the a[...]ccessories
5 months ago000

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