Feature Reviews


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Feature Reviews (4167) Results

United States
Very pleased with everything.
Very pleased with everything. All promises kept. Will buy again in the future .

1 year ago000
BBrett Gale
United States
Very satisfied!
Love this doll, since the skin is very smooth like a real girl when touching it, also it has a great elasticity and flex[...]ibility. Great product. Very satisfied.

1 year ago000
United States
Great Machine, Had a Problem, Resolved Quickly
Enjoyed the machine for about a month, and then it stopped working because a solder point had come undone inside the con[...]trol box. Seller immediately sent me a replacement control box. Everything's good now. Definitely recommend the machine.
1 year ago000
United States
She Did Well, Like Real
I needed someone to shame as I was Septa Unella. She did well, like real
1 year ago000
United States
Everything looks like it do in the picture and she almost real. Skin is not as smooth as I thought it would be for penet[...]ration.

1 year ago000
United States
i love it. fuck me.
i love it. fuck me.
1 year ago000
NNora Cook
United States
Love it! Bigger then I normally use but t he vibration and deep and strong.
Love it! Bigger then I normally use but t he vibration and deep and strong.
1 year ago000
United States
Great toy at a great price
Love how soft it is and very adjustable.Smaller then expected but still a great toy for that value :) Hubby and I enjoy [...]our time together with it. Hubby loves the Ultra squishy feeling! Great for hubby to use when im not there:)
1 year ago000
Rrussell cunningham
United States
she loves it!
i bought this for my girlfriend and she loves it! its something for her to use on them nights that i'm not there. she lo[...]ves how easy it is to carry and set up and the different angles that you can put it in. it easy to put away when visitors come over too.
1 year ago000
United States
Listen just buy it. I looked at a ton of sex machines and just couldn’t bring myself to buy one. I was afraid I would ha[...]te it and it wouldn’t be worth the money. This little beast is fun. Comes with a remote so you can turn it up or down as you want. Its not heavy. Breaks down easily. Quick set up and reset up. The angle is adjustable. But listen… When you’re in the groove and your feet start doing what feet do just be careful. I almost got my foot stuck in the rotating arm. That would have sucked horribly. I also suggest using a flat surface. It’s not the best on a super pillow top mattress.
1 year ago000
United States
It is so great r
Wow.I love its big chest and big butt. It feels so good.I can try all kinds of sexual positions with him, It is so great[...].

1 year ago000
United States
Very good quality. You are going to go nuts over this machine I never had so much fun I am so sore I can't walk ..
Very good quality. You are going to go nuts over this machine I never had so much fun I am so sore I can't walk ..
1 year ago035

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